(Video Transcript - lightly edited for clarity)

You know it’s not that easy when you are to prepare to go to the market. There's a very strategic process that we go through when helping our clients prepare for the sale of their team. It is called Engineered Exit Strategy Consulting™. There are things like reviewing the profit and loss statements. A lot of real team owners run their personal expenses through their business. That needs to be cleaned up because as a buyer of your business I want to know how much I’m going to the net but if you're running a lot of personal expenses through the business then I don't have the confidence of looking at a valid P&L which will negatively affect your team's saleability.

So the first thing is a very in-depth review of financial records which is extremely important to the success of getting you maximum dollars. The other thing is making sure we have proper categories in our profit loss statement. We'll help you with that. We'll give you guidelines on that to help you to do it.

Once we have cleaned up your financial records we then look at other aspects of how your team is structured. Do you know what kind of branding are you currently doing? We analyze that branding. Are we getting the return on investment of the branding that you probably have spent millions of dollars building?

We don't need to spend that kind of money. We just need to have a very strong brand in the marketplace and I think what is so critical in this area is people don't pay much attention looking at their profit & loss statements. Well, if you're the chief executive officer of a company and most of my clients are among the top 10 CEO's in their market place (of any small business) you start thinking differently and making better decisions. You're starting to make business decisions.

it's also about the makeup of our team. What does your culture look like? We will help you develop a very strong culture based on our 30 years of experience of successfully helping team owners build market dominating teams.

Request a complimentary 21-Point Assessment of your team's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities which is the first step to creating an Exit Strategy that is engineered for maximum value and saleability.