In this video, Bob shares four pillars of a great business that will help team Owners and Leaders build a dominant real estate team. (more...)
What we do is an assessment of the value and saleability of your team by examining its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. A lot of you get into this because you love real estate and all of a sudden you're making a lot of money but at the end of the day folks we're all getting out of real estate and you might as well sell it for a ton of cash when you do. (more...)
There is value and then there is saleability. They are two grossly different things folks. If your team is closing 50 million dollars annually and as the rain maker you are responsible for 25 million of that 50 million, its poor for your team's saleability. (more...)
You know it’s not that easy when you are to prepare to go to the market. There's a very strategic process that we go through when helping our clients prepare for the sale of their team. It is called Engineered Exit Strategy Consulting™. (more...)
Once you have found a potential buyer for your team it is time to negotiate for maximum value and part of what I do is guide you in the negotiation process. (more...)
The deal closure is very critical. You've gone through all the hard parts, now, at this point trust me everybody's walking on eggshells. We don't want the buyer to get buyer-remorse. (more...)
In this video, Bob gives insightful reasons why having a mentor is the first step to become the Tom Brady of Real Estate (more...)
In this video, Bob shares what "Life you love" really means. (more...)
Bob shares his secret on what true real estate success is. (more...)